Off by a Standard Deviation
Ken took his time and scanned the crowd of Truth or Dare tonight. The bar he was the bartender felt a lot more crowded than normal. Even more strangely, the crowd was almost half the age of the normal crowd. The college-aged kids, barely 21 or 22, filled the bar in a way that he hadn’t seen in many years. The bar was more crowded and the usual customers pushed themselves into smaller spaces. Ken poured more drinks, shots of cheap tequila, bottom shelf whiskey, and American light beers. As he exchanged a glance with the bar owner, Liz, he shrugged his shoulders.
Liz looked at the crowd from her normal perch at the end of the bar. She and her best friend Samantha spent many nights in this spot.
“There are a lot of kids in here tonight. I wonder what’s up?” Liz asked her friend with a puzzled look.
“Maybe a certain football star said this was a fun place to a few of his peers,” Samantha said. She did another scan of the crowd, her hopes dashed as she noticed that Eddie wasn’t there.
“What are you looking for?”
“Maybe I wanted to take another shot at that boy you took in the back last night,” Samantha laughed at her own words.
“There are a lot of boyish men here tonight,” Liz stated matter-of-factly. “I’m sure someone in this crowd wants a magnificent time with a beautiful Asian goddess.”
“I wouldn’t say goddess, I would say being of extraordinary greatness.”
Liz and her friend often laughed at their own jokes. Samantha, many years ago, called herself a goddess and like every best friend, Liz has never let it go. Tonight would not be the night that they let it go.
As the bar’s waitresses scuttled drinks throughout the bar, the friends caught one of them as she handed 4 shots to various guys that stood together in a small crowd. The assumption was that there was a toast, but they watched as each of them bent down, kissed a brunette in a red, slinky dress and handed her the shot. Each long kiss got her another shot of tequila. Liz saw more shots headed over to the crowd, and more men gathered as part of the crowd.
“How many times have you been drunk enough to kiss men for drinks?” Ken asked as he pulled another beer from the tap.
“Why did I need to be drunk? Couldn’t I do it just for fun.” Liz grinned at her answer. She saw Ken’s smile widen.
“I would say I need to have a good buzz to get to that point,” Samantha chimed in.
“Speaking of. That house party we had at your place. I watched you kiss at least a dozen guys and I don’t know how much you had to drink that night. You didn’t seem drunk though.”
“You kissed them too, every single one of them. In fact, I think you kissed me too.”
“That reminds me, your husband is a superb kisser.”
“Look, you two crazy women,” Ken said. “What about when you were their age?”
“I don’t even remember my twenties,” Liz admitted with a belly laugh. “Samantha was there to keep me from doing dumb things.”
“I didn’t really try,” Samantha said. “I usually tried to get you laid every night. I was very successful.”
“Sluts,” Ken said. “I love you both.”
The girl in the red dress kissed another man and took her shot.
A man old enough to be her father stepped up to the guys in the crowd.
“Is this spin the drunk girl?” The old man asked.
“Kind of, this girl agreed to kiss anyone willing to buy her a shot of tequila.” This boy waved his hand at the crowd as he finished his statement. “Every guy in this line has agreed to buy her a shot.”
“That’s a lot of shots of Tequila. How many has she had so far?”
“At least 4 or 5, and she’s got another 3 coming.”
“Why did she agree to that?”
“The name of the bar is Truth or Dare, and someone dared her. She’s living up to it.”
“How do I get in on this?”
“Stand here, order a drink, and kiss her. At least that’s what I’m going with.”
The girl was about 10 drinks in. Even from the other side of the bar it was obvious she had felt the effects of so many. The two knew each other. The young couple snuck themselves into a booth at the back of the bar and made out again. It was obvious how into each other they were. She rubbed her hand on his cock, and he slid his hand up her dress. They didn’t hide from what they were up to, they just enjoyed each other.
“Ken, can you send them two bottles of water?” Liz asked her bartender. She nodded in their direction.
The door next to the booth opened, Liz, Samantha, and Ken all smiled at the couple walking in.
Photo by OSPAN ALI on Unsplash

When I saw Statistics as the topic for the week, and then the next two coming up, I knew that a three-parter was in the works with some new, fun characters to play with. I look forward to everyone’s comments and I’d love to hear what people are thinking as they read them.
Have a glorious and sexy week everyone.
I hope after all those shots of tequila that girl in the red dress will remember all those kisses 😉
~ Marie
I’m pretty sure we all remember the silly things we do when we’ve been drinking. I mean, you know.
Haha, I know 😉
Some great dialogue and that dress! Wow
May x
Thank you so much May xoxo
steamy hot write. The lurid nature of the bar and goings in in there. I can only imagine with a name like that it is bound to have lots of wild nights like that
Thank you and gotta love a bar with a great name